Tapping Intention: Tapping for World Peace

Recently our NeftTi community of Certified Emotional Success™ Coaches & Certified Conscious EFT™ Practitioners came together for our monthly meeting we call Office Hours. This is a time of connection, support and collaboration in our joint mission to support ourselves and our clients to continuously evolve in our capacity to sustainably hold the energies of love, acceptance, pleasure and joy. 

One of our rituals is to begin with an EFT/tapping invitation to connect with ourselves, each other and whatever our understanding of the Source of Creation through some quiet moments of energetic intention setting.  

Well oopsie, I got so excited about seeing everyone that I forgot to press the record button for this opening ritual. And I love and accept myself regardless of my imperfections!! 

This morning I recorded that energetic intention/meditation for NeftTi’s graduates and realized that our entire community would benefit – that video and transcript are at the bottom of today’s email for you.

While you listen/read I invite you to support yourself energetically, whatever that looks like for you in this moment. Perhaps some Bronze tapping where you simply tap on the EFT/tapping acupressure points, perhaps placing your hands over your heart, perhaps just sitting quietly and breathing. Whatever feels good to send yourself a message of love and compassion.

Tapping Intention to Support World Peace

I recorded this energetic intention/meditation for our ENGAGE members, and thought of you too. May this fill you with love and light, and allow it shine through you for the world too.

Here’s the transcript for you as well 💙

Dear Creator of our Understanding, Receiver of our Intentions,

May those of us blessed with a consciousness open to the energetic reality of human life remember now that we are each a lighthouse for a world in intense need of us. 

Even as we acknowledge that the world is in energetic chaos and recognize the symptoms of distress that are bubbling over in atrocious acts of inhumanity. Even though, may we remember that we have the capacity to shine as a beacon of peace and humanity.

Even as we allow ourselves to attune to the reality of enormous suffering, may we remember that we are indeed powerful beyond measure.

May every decision we make to brighten our light join in a ripple effect strong enough to influence the world’s leaders toward truly peaceful action.

May we recognize when our light has dimmed, when our capacity to sustain the frequency of peace has been compromised. It is inevitable. It is human. 

At those times may we remember that there is loving support available for us and it comes in many forms. May we reach out to the people, places, practices that uplift us. Sources that help us dust off the  doubt, pain and fearfulness that are dimming our light.  

Our day to day decisions to boost our energy matter.  Your energy makes a difference. Your inspired and confident actions make a difference. 

Thank you for caring enough to care for yourself so that together we can offer care to our world. 
