Feb 2016 Winter Training
At the end of February, I asked participants in NeftTI’s Winter ‘Discover the Power of EFT’ 3 day intensive training, “What was taking this workshop like?”
Here are just some of the responses I received from all those who attended…
Awesome, both you Nancy and the group.
I had a very powerful personal and professional transformation.
My skills levels as a practitioner have grown significantly.
You made the process so interesting and so much fun.
Inspiring, empowering and revealing.
Enjoyable and powerful.
I am a better person already.
I would strong recommend the workshop for all – whether or not you’re a practitioner.
I felt welcome and at peace with your calm and non-judgmental way of teaching.
I feel such increased confidence as a practitioner.
Love how interactive and ‘hands-on’ it was.
EFT helped me in ways other therapies hadn’t.
A very freeing experience!
I think anyone would benefit from this training – it will help so many aspects of your life.
Nancy, you are a great teacher and you are always willing to share with generosity your knowledge and the tools you have developed. Thank you.
And thanks to all of them! I enjoyed it thoroughly and thought they were amazing too! The group continues our learning together with an 8 week support group to fully integrate EFT into their personal and professional lives. All part of the DISCOVER package.
DISCOVER the POWER of EFT Spring Training is June 4,5,6 in Toronto (Markham).
Registration is open but filling quickly, limited seats available.
Early bird registration bonus until May 3:
$75 tuition scholarship and 30 minute consultation with Nancy.
Payment plans available.
Email: Nancy.Forrester@NeftTI.com