It is my pleasure this month to share an article written by Funda Kahn, newly accredited certified Advanced EFT Practitioner (AAMET International/NeftTI). I asked Funda to write an article about how she integrates EFT into her work as a Clinical Hypnotist.
Finding EFT was like finding my parachute!
Dr. Funda Khan – July 2015 – I have a great passion for learning! When it comes to assisting others in their healing process I’ve learned a one-size-fits-all method doesn’t work. I am driven to learn new tools that will enable me to be more precise and efficient in finding the missing piece that will resolve my client’s suffering.
As an oral surgeon, while I was treating my patients’ physical challenges, I found that often they had more pain in their soul than their physical body. Physical pain, when stimulated by a surgeon, can trigger “stuck” negative emotions that have been repressed in the subconscious mind. The key to healing this is to begin releasing the pressure from your being — similar to pressure being released from a pressure-cooker.
The alternative healing modality that will enable us to achieve this is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).
On my quest to learning about the mind, I took three separate certifications from different medical hypnosis instructors and am certified as a clinical hypnosis instructor. In spite of the additional hours of training, I still felt incomplete. I felt I was piling more information on top of what the subconscious was already carrying and felt like I was applying a dressing onto an unclean wound! I felt hypnosis would be much more successful if the mind is clear of unwanted, rejected beliefs.
Finding EFT was like finding my parachute! But I knew I needed to learn more about the mind. I needed to know more about the conscious, subconscious, super conscious and the ego. This is when Huna philosophy came into my life. The universe was responding to my needs in divine order. Through Huna teachings I was able to connect with my own inner child and understand the relationship between the conscious, subconscious and ego.
How I integrated EFT in my Practice
To clear surface debris I start my sessions with EFT. I then proceed to an alpha (light) – level of hypnosis as I tap the client, while they are relaxing in the recliner. I ask for their conscious mind to simultaneously tap their inner child.
At this stage, if applicable, I would apply NLP and/or HMR. In terms of healing, this part of the session is like being in a playground. We use what is suitable and enjoyable to the inner child. The subconscious takes things very literally and the inner child will do exactly as you ask, as long as you work with the ego separately and eliminate “sabotage.” I might also do Parts Therapy, with or without hypnosis. This is powerful work as it begins to change neural pathways that have been created over the years. The I move on to a deeper level of hypnosis—down to the theta level. During this deep level, I work with the subconscious and embed positive suggestions while their subconscious is in the heightened state of acceptance.
This synergy of techniques works well for me. I teach clients EFT, sleep hypnosis, self-hypnosis, progressive relaxation and how to connect with their inner child on a daily basis. I teach them how to tune into their body sensations and find answers through their inner child’s needs, so they can move toward their ultimate health.
Working with Adults and Children with OCD
When I was working on a 9 year old with severe OCD, my plan was to use EFT for the first 5-6 sessions. I knew there would be no free space in the child’s mind if I did not release some of the heavy emotions with tapping. OCD is a complex challenge to overcome. Here is my own protocol to release mild to severe cases of OCD. The key is to go deeper to the root cause or causes of the problem.
- History and upbringing of the client. (Relationships from childhood to current age.)
- Chronological incidents of traumas in their life. (Note: A simple word could be a trauma for a child.)
- Releasing the negative emotions around those traumas with EFT (depending on the charge of the emotion either tap together or I tap on the client.)
- Finding and connecting with the inner child who resides in the subconscious mind and release the anchored negative thoughts and feelings with EFT while the client is in the altered state of mind (visualization, relaxation and light hypnosis.) In that state, while I am tapping I ask the client to visually follow along and tap their inner child.
- During this connection with the inner child it is very important to heal the child after releasing the negative emotions. For that reason, I integrate HMR, NLP and/or I use spiritual healing and chakra healing.
- The importance of backtracking the trauma or regression is to be able to find their anchored “belief system.” I am tracking the neural pathway of their behaviors and helping them to change their belief system…Such as, “I am not good enough.”
- Once they reach this “Aha!” moment, I then ask them to change it to a positive suggestion with their own words. Such as, “Failing only teaches me how to be better and stronger!”
- Next, I implant their new “belief” under deep hypnosis-theta level.
- I teach them how to tap (EFT), sleep hypnosis and self-hypnosis during our sessions.
- I ask them to make a chart, so they can monitor their OCD routine and the intensity. By doing that, they will see their own progress and begin to feel good as they notice it is within their control.
- Because OCD is a very complex behavior, it needs more time to work and patience while we are untying each knot, one at a time.
- Before each session , we review the previous week together and celebrate their successes.
- Depending on the clients needs for each session, I apply NLP with tapping and/or during hypnosis.
- When it is necessary I apply subconscious/conscious writing and drawing.
- With children I use flashcards upon awakening which has an amazing effect at implanting the suggestion.
- Adding humor in my sessions is the icing on it!
What did you find interesting or helpful about this article? I’d love to hear from you.
I am from Istanbul/Turkiye and came to the US in 1986. I graduated as an oral surgeon and worked with my husband who is an oral surgeon as well. But life took me on a different growth path and I concentrated on investigating the mind/body connection through Huna Philosophy, Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy Instructor, Energy Psychology and EFT, NLP, HMR, Emotion Code and more; I literally became a junkie…I couldn’t learn enough about body mind and soul.
In my practice my theme is “Inner Child Connection” and I’ve been working with adults and children who are challenged with difficulties in their life. When abused children are neglected they become adults with a broken heart and develop their personalities based on hurt, anger and low self-esteem. And aren’t we all children in an adult body? My job is to assist them in learning how to tap into their inner child and heal from the inside out by learning self-love.
My goal in my personal growth is to challenge my ego, to become healthier and to stop judgments so that I can become a truly compassionate person.
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