The ‘Shadow Side’ of January – Overwhelm

I know, I know … it’s the start of the year and I’m supposed to say something really inspiring to motivate you to set goals and get to the gym, eat more vegetables, etc etc.. There is a part of me that does want to follow that common path … but, just as I was sitting down to write and say ‘Best Wishes for 2016’ – I came across this quote from Louise Hay. She was tapping with Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution and they were focusing on some negative statements.

seethedirtThey were saying things like:

“Even though I’m angry…”

He said to her, “Look you are the queen of affirmations, what’s the deal with focusing on the negative statement?”
She said, “Honey, if you want to clean the house, you have to see the dirt.”

We all have some ‘dirt’ about January. I see and feel it in people and I know I have some pretty heavy dustballs floating around in my mind/body concerning the start of the year. It’s what we might call the ‘shadow side’ of January. The shadow includes the feelings and thoughts that we don’t think we’re supposed to have or that we believe our culture deems unacceptable. So we repress them, or express them in unhealthy ways. Either way we create suffering for ourselves and others.

If we acknowledge and accept our truth, it really will release a ton of energy. So, let’s be inspired by the wonderful Louise Hay and clean up our January ‘dirt’ so that we start the year with an authentically clean emotional home.

If you know how to do EFT/tapping – I encourage you to join me in the following tapping sequence. We’ll make this a bit of a RANT (no setup phrase required) and let it evolve into more of a RAVE.

If you haven’t yet learned the tapping sequence, view our basic EFT Points Video, and then tap along as you read these sentences.


Round 1

KC: January is too cold. It’s too long and it’s too dark.

EB: It’s dark in the morning and it’s dark at night.

SE: There’s so much pressure in January.

UE: Too many expectations

UN: I’m so overwhelmed with everything

CH: I don’t even know where to start.

CB: I’m tired from the holidays. I need another holiday.

UA: I wasn’t perfect. I ate too much, I spent too much. Now I have to pay for it.

TH: I’m tired and frustrated and overwhelmed.


Take a breath and notice the level of your intensity. Let’s do another round.


Round 2

KC: And then ‘everybody’ tells me to ‘smarten up’

EB: Set goals – and make sure they are SMART goals

SE: Go to the gym 5 times a week between 7am and 8am.

UE: Eat 5 servings of vegetables per day.

UN: And make sure your children eat those vegetables too.

CH: If you don’t – then you’re a failure.

CB: I’m so mad at all these people setting these expectations.

UA: Including myself.

TH: Sooo much pressure.


Take a breath again and notice your intensity. Another round?


Round 3 (if needed)

KC: I want to set STUPID goals.

EB: Sleep in 7 days a week. Eat chocolate at every meal. Tell the world to go away for awhile.

SE: I’m overwhelmed.

UE: I’m tired.

UN: It’s all too much.

CH: I don’t even know where to start.

CB: Overwhelmed

UA: Forcing myself to do stuff.

TH: So much to do.


Great – good for you. Take a breath and see if you can smile just a little.

Now – if you still have emotional intensity … do a few rounds using your own words and feelings. Or, use mine again if that’s easier. Stop and take a breath every so often. When you’re ready, let’s move on!

Round 4 (if needed)

KC: What if I could feel more peaceful right now?

EB: I wonder how I could feel better right now?

SE: I’d like to feel happier right now.

UE: What if everything is okay for right now?

UN: What if I could release some of this overwhelm?

CH: What if I could accept this tiredness?

CB: Releasing this overwhelm

UA: Accepting this tiredness

TH: Breathing more deeply.


That feels better – repeat if you’d like to. And then let’s do one more round together.


Round 5 (for good measure)

KC: Maybe all is well.

EB: Maybe I can relax a little more.

SE: I’m remembering some things I’m grateful for.

UE: I’d forgotten for awhile.

UN: I do have lots of support.

CH: Lots of possibilities available.

CB: Trusting that I’m loved and supported.

UA: Feeling more connected.

TH: Breathing easier and smiling a little more.


Just notice, how are you feeling now? Any January dust bunnies left? Ready for those vegetables?
Thanks for spending this time with me.


And ‘Best Wishes for 2016’!

Keep tapping,

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