From Executive Director Nancy Forrester,
Let’s hope May brings some spring flowers – enough of those April showers!
The National EFT Training Institute is doing 2 Spring trainings in Markham (ON) this year:
DISCOVER the POWER of Conscious EFT:
OPEN ACCESS (Non-Regulated & Regulated participants)
3 day Live Workshop – May 31, June 1, 2 2019.
DISCOVER the POWER of Conscious EFT for Psychotherapy:
OPEN to Regulated practitioners only**
3 day Live Workshop – June 21, 22, 23 2019
I’ve frequently been asked to explain the difference between these two trainings.
Well, first, let’s look at what’s the same.
First, both programs teach clinical, evidence-based EFT. This is the version of EFT that has been used in all clinical research studies.
Participants in both trainings who satisfy the criteria will receive a Certificate of Completion from both Canada’s National EFT Training Institute (NeftTI).
Second , both programs have 3 parts to them.
Part 1 is a a self-study program that begins the moment you register. The self-study program includes a manual, videos and a 2-hour webinar. In order to receive your Certificate of Completion for the training, you need to complete at least 3 hours of this self-study program. The more time you spend in self-study the more value you will get from the live training.
Part 2 is 3 full days of live, hands on training with plenty of demos, practice exercises and actual sessions. All with personalized feedback. These days are precious. It’s getting more and more difficult to find this kind of a focused in-person training. They are time-consuming to organize and expensive to run because the level of personal attention means only a small group of people can attend. However, to my mind, it is absolutely essential to have this live experience!
Part 3 is an 8-week follow-up on-line/video support group. Again, very difficult to find a training that includes this opportunity to have mentoring after the live event to help you integrate your learnings into your personal and professional life. Again, to my mind, what research shows about how humans learn mandates that this level of support is available.
- Both programs have the same tuition.
- All 3 parts described above are included for $750 plus taxes. (Note: These fees go up Sept 1, 2019)
- The content of the programs is the same.
- The self-study program is identical.
- The curriculum of the live workshop is the same.
- The structure of the 8 week follow-up is the same.
- Graduates of both programs are eligible to continue into certification standard practitioner programs with the National Institute as well as take part in the wide variety of advanced trainings and events offered in the large graduate Neftti community.
So what’s different about the programs?
The difference is only in the academic training, the professional experience and the scope of practice of the attendees.
OPEN ACCESS training includes all coaches, counsellors, wellness practitioners, complementary health providers, psychotherapists, medical personnel, human resources management, educators, individuals highly involved with their personal growth.
In short, anyone with an interest in discovering how to safely and effectively use professional standard Emotional Freedom Techniques for their personal growth and, if appropriate, with their clients. As well, individuals who are interested in pursuing certification as an EFT practitioner and creating a practice as a transformational coach are invited into this training.
**OPEN ONLY TO REGULATED PRACTITIONERS training is specifically for experienced professionals who are members of government Colleges that have been granted the authority to practice psychotherapy. These attendees have completed academic programs and other entry-to-practice competencies that permit them to offer psychotherapy services. Although the specific requirements vary from province to province, the commonality is permission to offer psychotherapy services.
NB: These practitioners are also welcome to attend the OPEN ACCESS training.
Although the content of the training is the same, given the background and experience of the attendees, the focus and the discussions in the training can be quite different.
Hope this helps you decide which training to attend. Regardless I look forward to working with you. In Canada we are in great need of practitioners well-trained in the practice of safe and effective Emotional Freedom Techniques regardless of their regulated or non-regulated government status!
Tapping into health, happiness and fulfillment,