In this weeks feature successimonial, Brenda Holder shares her experience with the teachings shared inside the NeftTi programs around the importance of safety. She shares her personal development around this topic and how it’s allowed her to find emotional freedom.

Brenda Holder, founder of AAP Coaching guides children and teens safely on a transformational path to discover their gifts and talents from an academic, artistic, and athletic perspective. She has always been passionate about supporting young people which lead her to become a counselor, as well as a life coach. She has seen first-hand the various challenges that young people are dealing with from an academic, artistic, and athletic level.
She focuses on providing various tools that consist of emotional freedom techniques, goal setting, and visualization. She helps them learn how to manage their emotions safely and how to achieve their level of peak performance. She understands the importance of young people having a voice to be able to express their thoughts and feelings safely.
Brenda understands these situations because she also struggled in school and sports. She realized that she was getting stuck in a thinking trap that she was not good enough, which affected her confidence and her performance. She had a variety of difficult feelings like disappointment, guilt, sadness, and shame and one of the big ones was FEAR.
This tool of EFT allowed her to learn how to release those difficult emotions safely which helped her to feel calmer, more confident, and improve her overall performance and run 2 marathons. Also, when working with athletes and students they have shared that after using EFT they felt much calmer, focused, and confidant. Their initial problem was no longer a concern and they were focusing on solutions.
Brenda’s focus is to help as many young people discover their path and achieve their full potential.
AAP Coaching offers: 1- 1 coaching in person and via Zoom, Workshops and Speaking engagements
You can reach Brenda through her website and via email at
If you’re interested in learning more about EFT, please check out our FREE EFT Introduction series or check out our upcoming schedule of trainings.