A Revolutionary Post Trauma Growth Approach to Therapy/Coaching

Have you ever opened too many programs on your computer and it slows down, proceeding to refuse any of your commands?  

Well, the same capacity issue is true for human systems.

Most clients arrive into the therapy/coaching room with a capacity issue. The energetic demand on their nervous system is way more than the capacity available. And so it slows down and gets stuck, unable to manage the client’s current environment let alone do any processing of past experience. 

This video speaks to the true goal of transformational therapy/coaching as facilitating the growth of the client’s capacity to process energy.  To upgrade the client’s nervous system to Version 2.0!

This is the post trauma growth approach, an energetic framework of safe, significant and sustainable change. 

This is part 2, of 3, in the series An Empowering Approach to Post Trauma Growth. If you missed part 1, Truly Empower Your Therapy/Coaching Client by using An Energy Approach, give it a quick watch

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