Therese J. Borchard – Is Depression Always a Disease?
A look at Depression from various perspectives.
Emotional Freedom Techniques in the Treatment of Unhealthy Eating Behaviors and Related Psychological Constructs in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial
Peta Stapleton, BA, PGDipPsy, PhDcorrespondenceemail, Hannah Chatwin, BA (Hons), MClinPsych, Mary William, BA, MClinPsych, Amanda Hutton, BPsych (Hons), Amanda Pain, BSocSci, MCounselling, Brett Porter, Terri Sheldon, BA (Hons)*
This feasibility study sought to examine the impact of a six-week Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) group treatment program upon eating behaviours, self-esteem, compassion, and psychological symptoms. Design: Forty-four students were randomly allocated to either the EFT group or the waitlist control group.
Jim Mc Aninch – Energy Psychology Helps 911 Dispatchers
911 dispatchers are a unique group of professionals who perform a vital function in every community. They are the first people to connect with individuals or groups who have an emergency need. Dispatchers must take the information, figure out the need and then relay that information to the proper responders with the correct location in seconds. There is no room for error, for they are dealing with life and death situations. Like the military and their special operation individuals, they are a challenging group to gain entry into.
Energy Psychology Winter 2016 edition of The Energy Field is here at last. Read about everything from developing intuition as a guidance system to transforming trauma with sound.
Energy Psychology – Japanese-Rwandan-Middle Eastern Style
(by Suzanne Connolly, LCSW, LMFT) Energy psychology is used in very different ways in different parts of the world.
Transforming Our Critical Voice Into Something Helpful With Tapping and EFT In 8 Easy Steps
Addressing the Role of the Critical Voice