It’s Getting Crowded on the Leading Edge

Twenty-five years ago, when anxiety and loss ‘forced’ me into a mind body spirit exploration, I was an island.  Oh there were plenty of ‘thought leaders’ even then, talking about the need to change our thoughts and connect with spirit; but the practical questions of ‘how’ we actually do that were not addressed.  We hadn’t evolved that far yet.

These 25 years have seen HUGE shifts in thinking.

Since then, I have encouraged people to learn tools to take us beyond talking about what we knew about quantum physics and neuroscience and human healing and learning and actually use the strategies from energy psychology and EFT to release what was blocking us from creating the lives we wanted.

Just in this past month I’ve read 3 recently released books by 3 well-respected women doctors  (2 medical and 1 with a doctorate in human health and sexuality).  All 3 are clearly espousing the need to move beyond the limitations of the ‘five sensory world’ and embrace the principles and tools of the energetic world in order to truly experience the health and happiness that is possible for each of us.


Dr. Lissa Rankin (The Fear Cure); Dr. Christiane Northrup (Making Life Easy) and Dr. Laura Berman (Quantum Love) all joined conventional fields and successfully worked within those beliefs for many years –  before overwhelming personal circumstances exceeded their ability to cope using only conventional strategies and forced them to expand into the bigger world of energy based healing and personal growth.

They now embrace the understanding that the leading edge is about harnessing the energy of LOVE.  Not the romantic Hollywood notion of ‘you complete me’ – but the quantum physics based knowing that the energy of love has a power beyond our imaginings.  The question is – how do we harness it for more than a moment at a time?

These three women join me in an understanding of three foundational principles of quantum physics:

  1. Everything is energy.  We are energy, emotions and thoughts are energy, behaviour is energy, things are energy.  Everything we perceive with our senses is vibrating at a unique frequency.  If we are to change our lives, we need to safely and sustainably change the frequency of our vibration.
  2. We are connected to one another and to all things.  This is not an ‘airy fairy, woo woo’ statement.  It is physics.  We are in energetic relationship with ourselves, each other and with the unlimited field of potential – known by various names such as God, Divine, Pure Possibility, the Matrix, etc.  Our personal energy is a primary determinant of the quality of our relationships. When we improve our personal energy – we improve our relationships.
  3. We each have the ability to change our vibration using powerful energy based modalities like EFT.  When we know how to use it and we consistently accept the responsibility of using it – changing the energy of our emotions, thoughts and behaviours leads to miracles in our lives.  We are creative beings, able to safely transform our lives to what we desire. And, when we do so, we positively impact the lives of those around us and of our wider world.

Are You Ready to Join the Crowd?

Now, it’s time to move this knowledge beyond the leading edge.  And this is where the need for people who have professional standard EFT is so strong.   It’s quite easy to shift energy in the moment, lots of modalities can do that, but what’s much more challenging is re-teaching the mind and body to sustainably hold a higher frequency.  EFT allows us to address the resistance to change at its energetic core and from there to clear the events, emotions, beliefs and behaviours that are holding us at an energy of suffering and limitation.

Regardless of whether you’re already a helping practitioner or interested in becoming one – or not – if you are excited and scared about exploring what’s possible when you know how to find and dissolve the blocks to love, the DISCOVER the POWER of EFT Winter 2017 starts very soon.  I’d love to spend the next 3 months with you learning, releasing and creating in our community of support and acceptance.  

The world is ready and looking for the people who are walking the walk beyond the talk.  Who are tapping into their ability to shift the consciousness of the world.  

I hope that’s you!  I’ll be waiting for your email. Connect with me anytime at  


With respect,




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