Dr. Habib Sadeghi discusses how emotions and thoughts affect our health. Dr. Sadeghi explores the Container Contained model as a new paradigm in healing from dis- Ease.
Sometimes we go through life completely baffled at the circumstances in our lives. We face challenges every day. Sometimes those challenges are health issues. For Habib, it was a long period of depression and then a diagnosis of Cancer. After his diagnosis, he thought of all that this would mean in his life. Treatment, cutting the cancer out, possible death sentence. Until one day, 1 new perspective changed his thinking and his life.
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Dr Habib learned a vital lesson about how our emotions and thoughts are directly connected to our health. He could pinpoint exactly why he got cancer and then was able to resolve those issues, clear out the energy behind those issues, to overcome his diagnosis. 1 change in perspective helped him to completely change his thinking and opened his mind to what was really going on inside of him.
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