Healing for Paris – A Special Event Dec 8, 2015

karldawsonWith Christmas just around the corner, even though we want to have only peace and joy and celebration on our minds, the reality is that we also often have thoughts of loss and sadness from missing loved ones who are no longer with us. In addition, recent world events, particularly what happened in Paris, often invite us to engage in hopelessness, anger and unforgiveness.

My colleague Karl Dawson, creator of the powerful Matrix Reimprinting technique (an advanced form of EFT/tapping) has announced that 2 of his Matrix Trainers Kate Marillat and Ted Wilmont will join him in hosting a worldwide event on December the 8th at 5:30 GMT (12:30 pm EST).

The purpose of the event is to bring healing to our wounds and fears surrounding events like Paris and to help us each take responsibility for elevating the energy we bring to them.  We can each be part of helping the world find the solutions we desperately need.

Anyone can attend.

Perhaps you too have been shocked and saddened by the Paris event or similar event.

Perhaps you have experienced your own stories of tragedy.

This event is an opportunity to collectively use “Matrix”, as a modality, together, all around the globe and bring healing energy on a massive level.

At a recent convention, Karl tested the “Matrix Collective Consciousness” protocol with a group working around trauma in the refugee crisis. The feedback was incredible.

Please join me Dec 8th in this opportunity to be part of a something big and to bring healing energy around recent destructive world events.

You only need to know the basic EFT/tapping acupressure points to take part.  I have created a short video to show you the points if you don’t already know them.Thank you for taking your time to contribute in this meaningful way.

With appreciation,

WHEN: December 8, 2015
5:30 PM GMT / 12:30 PM EST / 9:30 AM PST