Harnessing Energy for a Thriving 2025: The Power of Conscious EFT

Over the years, I’ve come to understand a fundamental Truth: we are energy. At its core, everything in our world is energy. Recognizing this, we see that as human beings, we are energy systems. This understanding is crucial when considering how to most safely and effectively serve our clients and ourselves.

I invite you to enjoy a short video in which Monique Verpoort, one of our brilliant NeftTi graduates, and I demonstrate the energy stick to illustrate this concept. This simple children’s toy helps visualize how energy flows through our bodies. When you hold both ends of the stick, it lights up, visually confirming that we are indeed energy beings. It’s a powerful reminder of the energy we each carry and share.

But we don’t just exist as isolated energy systems; our relationships are also energetic. In this second video, Monique and a partner demonstrate how two people connect through their energy fields. This beautiful demonstration highlights the interconnectedness of human beings through our energy. However, connection in relationships can easily be ruptured. When Monique lets go of her partner’s hand, the energy stops flowing between them.

This moment invites us to reflect: Where might you be ‘letting go’ in your important relationships?

However, just like any energy system, we can get run down. Imagine a flashlight with a battery. Over time, the battery depletes and needs replacing. Unlike the flashlight, we can’t simply replace our batteries. Instead, we must pay attention daily to regenerating our energy.

Here lies the significance of Conscious EFT. This simple yet powerful method enables us to continually refuel our energy battery, ensuring we have the vitality needed for the actions we wish to take in the world. Conscious EFT helps us release the effects of past experiences, making way for a rejuvenated, vibrant energy that fuels our present and future endeavors.

As therapists, coaches, and wellness practitioners, understanding and harnessing the power of energy in ourselves and our clients is transformative. Conscious EFT offers us a practical, accessible way to maintain and boost our energy levels, empowering us to create the lives we choose and support our clients in doing the same.

At NeftTi this year we’re exploring how we can keep our energy systems thriving, nurturing ourselves and those we serve with conscious intention and care.

Join our Facebook Group for continued support and resources throughout the year – and we celebrate JOY every Wednesday. We can’t wait to meet you.