In our transformational coaching programs at NeftTi, we celebrate two important coaching strategies, the power of curious questions and the power of the coach’s ability to be present with their client. To have a coach with the capacity to just ‘Be With What Is’ is the greatest asset for any client. That is what we train coaches (and therapists) to do in our programs.
Conscious EFT™ creates a container for the very deep personal healing and development work that is necessary to build a capacity for presence/attunement at a cellular level.
Although the coaching field is fairly new, it adds so much value to the helping field. At NeftTi we are passionate about helping the coaching field evolve further into realizing that the power of coaching escalates greatly when it moves beyond only the cognitive and behavioural level to incorporate the somatic and, especially, the energetic levels as well.
Our approach is to be ‘wholly human’ (perhaps ‘holy human’!) when it comes to working with ourselves and our clients. We train coaches how to build a safe container to hold the whole humanness of their client so that they can create sustainable and significant change in the quality of their lives today.
Corby and Nancy share some more thoughts about this in this short video.
Coaching Week
Join us for our upcoming Discover Conscious EFTTM training, there is still a little time to register and complete the required 6 hours of pre-training before the live event!