From Exhaust Rants to Inner Calm: A Conscious EFT Story of Transformation

It started with a visit to a new auto mechanic for my 2010 Honda Civic, affectionately named BrownE. I had made an appointment three weeks ago to replace a piece of the exhaust system and, as is my habit, brought enough work to keep myself productive while waiting. Arriving right on time, I greeted the

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Part 5: Integrating Transformational Intelligence with Insights from Consciousness Leaders

We’ve recently been exploring the very big concept of Transformational Intelligence through our blogs: Tapping into Transformational Intelligence, Embracing Transformational Intelligence through Personal Experience, and The Role of Safety in Transformational Intelligence. To further that understanding, here I’d like to discuss how our NeftTi neuro-evolutionary framework integrates the profound ideas of several renowned thought leaders

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Part 4: A New Friend for Your Brain: How Conscious EFT Helps a Troubled Traffic Controller

This week, I made a new friend, and I’d like to introduce you to them. Meet the habenula – let’s call them “Habi” – a tiny yet mighty part of your brain that acts like a traffic controller for emotions, thoughts, sensations and stress responses. Just like a good friend, understanding Habi can make a

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