Nancy Forrester, Executive Director, National EFT Training Institute
MBA, B.Ed., B.Sc.
Clinical Member Ontario Society of Psychotherapists (retired)
Certified Conscious EFT™ Master Trainer of Trainers
Nancy is the President of Nancy Forrester Mentoring and Consulting Inc; supporting individuals, couples and corporations to create safe, significant and sustainable real-world results. She is the Founder and Executive Director of the National Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Training Institute offering fully accredited training and certification that establishes evidence-based EFT as a gold standard of professional practice in all human service professions.
Nancy is a Clinical Psychotherapist (RET), international speaker, award-winning entrepreneur and post-secondary educator. She holds MBA, B.Ed. and B.Sc. degrees as well as graduate level diplomas in individual, family and couples’ therapy. Her virtual and in-person workshops are highly engaging, experiential and valued for their innovative and practical content delivered in Nancy’s clear, joyful and compassionate style.
A pioneer in the cutting-edge fields of energy psychology and evolutionary biology, Nancy is an internationally recognized leader in creating powerful learning experiences that integrate across all channels of human experience; cognition, affect, sensation, image and behaviour. Her own experiences of overwhelming loss thirty years ago led her into deep study of how unresolved trauma limits a person’s current ability to lead a joyful, healthy and productive life. Her unique background as scientist, adult educator, corporate leader, coach and therapist support her passionate belief that a trauma-informed approach is essential in all activities involving people.
- Accredited Certified Master Trainer (EFTi) from 2013-2021
- Accredited Certified Master Trainer of Trainers (EFTI) from 2014-2021
- Certified Conscious EFT™ Master Trainer of Trainers (neftti) 2021 – present

Corby Furrow, Director of Programming (NeftTi)
Certified Executive Coach
Conscious EFT™ Master EFT Trainer
When Corby lost her corporate job of 25 years, it was the final proof she’d been waiting for her whole life. Despite being a devoted mother, a dedicated sports coach, and a valued member of her community, her lack of self-worth resulted in a pattern of over giving and sabotaging her own capacity to feel joy.
Fortunately, Corby found a certified trauma-informed coach to support her in developing a compassionate perspective that allowed her to identify and release the old stories and fears that kept her playing small and transmute them into a deep-seated sense of self-worth, self-love and peace.
Today, Corby is the Director of Programming at the National Emotional Freedom
Techniques Training Institute; training and certifying coaches, therapists and healers in how to integrate trauma-informed theory, practices and modalities to optimize safe
sustainable healing for clients and themselves.
She is a Certified Executive Coach, a Certified Master Conscious EFT™ Trainer, a Chartered Professional of Human Resources, speaker and facilitator – but her favorite title is that of grandma.
As owner of Radiant Core Solutions, her mission is to help people-pleasers and over
givers find mental, emotional and spiritual freedom, taking them from feeling stuck in
pain, fear, and self-doubt to fully embodying the joy and happiness they have been
Corby is known for her down-to-earth spirit and brings much warmth, kindness and
laughter into her work while gently but firmly holding her clients accountable to
- Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner (EFTi) from 2017 – 2021
- Accredited Certified EFT Advanced Practitioner (EFTi) from 2018 -2021
- Accredited Certified EFT Master Trainer (EFTi) from 2019 -2021
- Certified Conscious EFT Master Trainer (NeftTi) 2021 – present

Karen Hilts, Online Business Manager for NeftTi
Social Worker (retired); Law of Attraction Practitioner; NLP; Level 2 EFT Student;
Web Developer, Inbound Marketing Specialist, OBM
Karen Hilts joined the NeftTi Team in 2014 as our Online Business Manager and handles all of our online “technical” operations, student onboarding, Affiliate program, inbound marketing, event promotions, weekly newsletter and web development needs.
Karen began her adult life journey in the social work field and after leaving the field immersed herself into various other “jobs” only to discover her passion for web development and inbound marketing. Since 1999, she has been honing her craft and helping people bring their visions to life online.
In 2006 she quit her “day job” to build her new business (ACEYourBiz) and naturally attracted clients in the Energy Psychology/Alternative Health fields. This opened a new door of both learning and passion for helping others. She became certified in NLP and Law of Attraction. In 2014 she joined the NeftTi team and completed the DISCOVER Level 2 training.
Her adult journey has brought her full circle back to working with others in the helping professions, just in a different way! You can see her kindness and compassion not only as our technical guru but also in how she supports our team and goes the extra mile for all our NeftTi students and graduates.
Gratitude for Our Amazing Support Team
Our team is wonderfully supported by an amazing group of Emotional Mentors during our Live DISCOVER Conscious EFT™ weekends.
We also have an amazing community of over 80 Affiliates for whom we’re grateful to for spreading the word about our program opportunities to learn Conscious EFT™
99% of these people have come through our NeftTi Trainings and continue to support NeftTi initiatives. We are blessed to have such a great, supportive and growing community!