Outwit, Outlast, Outplay: The Brain’s Survival Reality Show

It’s the 47th season of “Survivor,” and guess who’s glued to the screen? As I watch the contestants outwit, outlast, and outplay, I can’t help but think of our own internal reality show featuring the deeply rooted survival brain and the logically focused prefrontal cortex.

The Survival Brain: Outwitting and Outlasting

Our survival brain is like a seasoned “Survivor” champ. It’s always ready to outwit and outlast any threat. When strong emotions hit, the prefrontal cortex, with all its brilliant ideas, gets pushed aside in favour of safety at all costs. Kind of like the prefrontal cortex is just learning how to drive and is trying to steer us in the direction of our goals. But when the emotional storm intensifies, the survival brain steps in like a driving instructor with an extra set of controls, grabbing the wheel to ensure safety.

Of course, this is what leads to addictive habits. Under stress, all those plans for healthy eating or exercise fly out the window. The survival brain wants quick relief from suffering, not long-term well-being. At NeftTi, we focus on integrating these brain functions to keep the prefrontal cortex in the driver’s seat, with the powerful support of the survival brain.

Integrating the Brain: New Tricks for an Old Dog

This is our mission at NeftTi. By tapping into brain integration during stress, we can train the survival brain to work in harmony with the prefrontal cortex. This creates new neural pathways that prioritize both immediate safety and long-term growth.

Case Study: Sarah’s Survival Brain Makeover

Sarah is a therapist who struggled with stress-induced snacking. Despite her knowledge and healthy living plans, she often reached for junk food during emotional upheavals. Through our Conscious EFT training, Sarah learned to spot when her survival brain was taking the wheel. By practicing Conscious EFT for brain integration, she began to choose mindfulness and self-compassion over old survival habits. Sarah not only improved her relationship to food but also felt more balanced and resilient in life.

Balancing Survival Brain and The Prefrontal Cortex

Understanding the dance between the survival brain and the prefrontal cortex is key to transformational intelligence. At NeftTi, we help you navigate this internal reality show, teaching the old survival brain new tricks with Conscious EFT. By integrating brain functions, we move beyond mere survival, embracing growth and resilience.

With practice, patience, and powerful tools like Conscious EFT, you can evolve beyond Survivor’s theme of outwit, outlast, and outplay. Instead, you can teach your brain the power of sharing the journey, opening your capacity for greater peace, joy, and health. And isn’t that the ultimate prize?