Has Healing Lost Its Way?

I’ve recently discovered the work of Bayo Akomolafe, a philosopher whose insights into what healing truly means have deeply touched my heart. His thought-provoking ideas about how we approach healing challenged me to reflect deeply on our Conscious EFT approach.  

Bayo’s words, “When trauma finds an afterlife in the medicine used to treat the trauma, healing itself has become ill,” really resonated with me. This is an underlying principle of Conscious EFT; that a focus on the trauma itself, as is so common in the field today, itself has become part of the problem.

I’m hoping that highlighting some of the similarities between Akomolafe’s thinking and our approach here at NeftTi will serve to challenge your own thoughts in a helpful way.

When Healing Loses Its Way

Akomolafe’s notion that healing itself might be ill challenges us to look beyond the surface. Traditional therapy often focuses on fixing or curing specific symptoms, which can sometimes keep us stuck in a cycle of surface-level treatment. It’s like the medicine we use ends up keeping the wound open. When healing becomes about constantly revisiting and dissecting trauma, it loses its way, and the methods intended to heal can actually cause harm.

Bayo describes himself as a “recovering psychotherapist,” recognizing that something beyond what therapists have been taught is needed. This resonates deeply with our approach at NeftTi. Conscious EFT isn’t about dwelling on past traumas but about harnessing the power of the present to create a vibrant, empowered future.

Beyond the Surface: Conscious EFT’s Holistic Approach

Conscious EFT digs into the root causes of distress. By tapping into the body’s energy system and acknowledging how past experiences, emotions, and current challenges are interacting, we create space for deeper, more meaningful transformation. This goes beyond simply addressing symptoms – it’s about fostering true, lasting change.

It has been my experience that traditional psychotherapy can sometimes oversimplify and individualize problems, overlooking the broader social, cultural, and ecological contexts. Conscious EFT recognizes the importance of these contexts, understanding that our experiences are shaped by many factors. We honour the whole person, including their relationships, environment, and unique history. This holistic approach ensures that healing is not just about the individual but about their place within the larger web of life.

Embracing the Complexity of Healing

In our practice, while it’s crucial to acknowledge current suffering, our main focus is to attend to the signs of increasing organization, peace, and joy in the system. By recognizing these organic shifts, we help our clients naturally move towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. This approach aligns with Bayo’s idea that healing should not become an obsession with trauma but rather a journey towards wholeness and well-being.

Wellness, in Akomolafe’s view, includes relational and ecological dimensions. Conscious EFT aligns with this perspective by fostering a sense of interconnectedness. Our practice supports clients in reconnecting with themselves, their communities, and the natural world. By recognizing the interdependence of all beings, we promote a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to wellness.

In the fast-paced world we live in, the urgency to heal can be overwhelming. Akomolafe’s invitation to slow down resonates deeply with the principles of Conscious EFT. We believe that true healing happens when we take the time to listen to our bodies, our emotions, and not just our stories. By slowing down, we create a space for genuine connection, self-awareness, and growth.

A New Vision for Healing

Integrating Bayo Akomolafe’s insights with Conscious EFT offers a richer, more nuanced approach to healing. It challenges us to move beyond the conventional paradigms of therapy and embrace the shadows, complexities, and interconnectedness of our lives. At NeftTi, we are committed to this holistic vision, providing a safe and nurturing space for true transformation.

“The times are urgent, let us slow down.”

Akomolafe’s wise words remind us that in slowing down, we find the space to truly heal, grow, and thrive. Together, we can create a world where wellness is not just about survival but about thriving in harmony with ourselves, each other, and the earth.

Bayo Akomolafe’s work is a powerful reminder that healing is not a one-size-fits-all process. 

It requires us to rethink our approaches, slow down, and embrace the complexity and beauty of our human experience. At NeftTi, we are dedicated to this vision, and through Conscious EFT, we aim to provide a nurturing environment for profound, lasting transformation. 

Let’s embark on this journey together, honoring the interconnectedness of all life and fostering a world where true wellness is possible.

With love,