I hope you had a chance to watch the short video I recently shared about how Conscious EFT™ moves beyond the traditional EFT/tapping training available elsewhere into a transformational framework incorporating the powerful modality of Emotional Freedom Techniques/tapping that is based on the first principle of therapy/coaching to DO NO HARM.
In this video, I continue the exploration of DO NO HARM expanded to consider the safety of not only the client, but the practitioner as well. The client and practitioner form an energetic system which flows between their nervous systems. So what isn’t safe for the client isn’t safe for the practitioner and vice versa.
This concept of co-regulation is an important reason why Conscious EFT™ does not advocate ‘working with the trauma’. Rather, Conscious EFT™ focuses on growing the capacity of the client and practitioner nervous system TODAY, in order that the residue of trauma is no longer activated TODAY. This greatly reduces the risk of re-traumatization for both of them and opens the door to increases in the client and practitioner quality of life today.