Video: What is Conscious EFT™?

What is Conscious EFT and Why do we need it?


When I entered the therapy world over thirty years ago, first as a client and then as a practitioner, one of the great concerns for me was the lack of attention the field paid to its own efficacy.  Both as a scientist and a business person, I was used to bringing focused attention to an evaluation of the results of my interventions.


In NeftTi’s introductory free webinar, A Paradigm Shift in Coaching and Therapy, we introduce the work of Dr. George A. Tasca, PhD, Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada.  Dr. Tasca has developed an expertise in researching the effectiveness of therapy and what criteria lead to its success.  


Briefly he mentions four areas that must be present in order for therapy to have a high probability of success.  These four areas form a foundation of Conscious EFT™. 


  1. The practitioner, regardless of modality, training, experience, must possess a large capacity to ATTUNE sufficiently to themselves and their client – in this moment, ‘here and now’.  This capacity to ATTUNE is a function of the size of the WINDOW of JOY of the practitioner.   Focusing on the capacity of the practitioner’s window of joy rather than their title, training or experience is a welcome paradigm shift in therapy and one that is a foundational aspect of Conscious EFT™.  Many therapy and coaching programs speak about ‘presence’, what we are talking about here goes far beyond that concept into a biological understanding of a practitioner’s capacity to attune sufficiently well. 
  2. The practitioner, regardless of modality, training, experience, must possess the ability to assess the current capacity of a nervous system, both the client’s and their own.  
  3. The practitioner, regardless of modality, training, experience, must possess the ability to choose and modify their interventions to specifically match the current state of the client nervous system.  
  4. The practitioner needs to be functioning from an overall paradigm of human change with which they feel alignment.  Success in therapy is NOT about a specific modality, not about applying a set of tools or interventions.   It is about having an overall framework of transformation and having the ability to gracefully and flexibly work within that framework and adapt to what’s happening for the client’s nervous system both in the moment and over time. 


In Conscious EFT™ we incorporate all four of these requirements.  Conscious EFT™ is not only training in EFT.  EFT is a modality, a powerful modality.  Conscious EFT™ places that power within a framework of ATTUNEMENT and TRANSFORMATION.  


So, we address two pieces.  One piece is around how to tap.  But the equally, and more important piece is about when to tap, when not to tap, what to do if tapping is not safe or not required.  How to assess what’s happening in, and outside of sessions, in order to keep both the client and the practitioner safe and facilitate the most significant and sustainable results  possible. The video below expands on these important ideas.  


What is Conscious EFT™

What is Conscious EFT™


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